
assassin's creed origins review

An RPG game that's chained down by AC's signature game design; Origins is a soft reboot in terms of storytelling but a straight forward reboot ...

Assassin's Creed® Origins on Steam

評分 4.5 (102,742) Ancient Egypt, a land of majesty and intrigue, is disappearing in a ruthless fight for power. Unveil dark secrets and forgotten myths as you go back to the one ... Season Pass · Steam DLC Page · The Hidden On

Assassin's Creed Origins Review

評分 9/10 · Alanah Pearce · Assassin's Creed Origins is a dark, multifaceted, deep dive into one of the series' most alluring settings yet: ancient Egypt.

Assassin's Creed Origins review

評分 84% · Christopher Livingston · Origins is perhaps not as great as Assassin's Creed 2 or as invigorating as Black Flag, but it's damn close.

Assassin's Creed Origins review

As a stealth and combat game, Assassin's Creed Origins is entirely competent. If I'm careless, nearby guards will spot me. They will kill me if ...

What is your review of Assassin's Creed: Origins?

Good game. The land of Egypt recreated in Origins is heavenly, my favorite of the entire Assassin's Creed franchise.

how good is Assassins creed origins? : rassassinscreed

The game itself is the most restrained of the 3, with no dialogue choices (which is a plus imo) and a total story playtime of between 30 and 40 ...

Assassin's Creed Origins Review (No Spoilers)

It's incredibly easy and simply fun to get lost in this game. You'll find yourself weaving in and out of taking out assassination targets for the story.

Assassin's Creed Origins Review

Ubisoft has created a stunningly beautiful and intricately detailed world with Assassins Creed Origins. There is so much more I haven't mentioned.

Assassin's Creed Origins Review

Assassin's Creed Origins reviewed by Alanah Pearce on Xbox One X, PlayStation 4, and PC. 9 New Things in Assassin's Creed Origins: ...


AnRPGgamethat'schaineddownbyAC'ssignaturegamedesign;Originsisasoftrebootintermsofstorytellingbutastraightforwardreboot ...,評分4.5(102,742)AncientEgypt,alandofmajestyandintrigue,isdisappearinginaruthlessfightforpower.Unveildarksecretsandforgottenmythsasyougobacktotheone ...SeasonPass·SteamDLCPage·TheHiddenOn,評分9/10·AlanahPearce·Assassin'sCreedOriginsisadark,multifaceted,deepdiveintooneofthes...